Consciously You

Group transformation

Consciously YOU

Do you have dreams but no idea how to achieve them? Do you feel stuck + know change is needed?

Consciously YOU group coaching programme gives you 12 week’s of Step by Step support to transform your life into what you’ve always wanted it to be. We uncover what you stand for (your values) + why (your dharma), what holds you back (your shadow self) + how you step closer to your best self (dream goals + realistic actions).

YOU are the only person that can transform your life! So let 2024 be the year you become your best self!

The next group programme goes live on zoom Thursday 19th September-28th November 2024 19.30-21.00pm GMT every 2 weeks. All sessions are recorded for you to catch up on demand if you can’t make a module.

Why you should join.

We all have hopes + dreams, but many of us don’t know how to achieve them, especially while juggling work, family + life.

This programme gives you step by step support to make your dreams a reality in 2024.

Here’s what’s included in the programme:

  1. 10 hours of coaching support to reach your goals worth +£1200

  2. 1:1 coaching support to solve your specific challenges worth £120

  3. Your own unique StrengthScope report + debrief worth £50

  4. Peer support from people like you

  5. An accountability partner to help you stay on track with your goals

  6. Weekly breathwork to help you find calm during your transformation

  7. Your own Consciously You Booklet to guide you through each stage + allow you to work at your own pace.

Choose your plan

Monthly installments with £49 deposit


Early bird fee. £66.50 after


2 installments


£249 remaining balance (early bird).

£349 full fare price.

1 payment


One off fee and instant access to weekly breathwork classes as soon as you’ve paid. £499 full fare price after early bird.

All costs exclude VAT. Early Bird fee lasts until 30th August at midnight. Want to join but need a different payment plan? Sure! Register your interest and we’ll call to find a term that works for you!

Consciously You Testimonials

  • Nilpa

    I loved the Consciously You programme!

    I found the modules were well planned and flowed really well. I loved finding my purpose as this is something I know I’ve been missing in life so far.

    The programme really pushed me to think within and not just surface level. I realised through Reeha and the programme that sometimes it's the small steps you need to make rather than one big one!

    Thank you so much Reeha!

  • Lee

    Coaching with Reeha has been life changing.

    The shadow work helped me untangle limiting stories about my past that have been holding me and my relationships back for years. I

    I wish I'd done this work 10 years ago! I'm super grateful to Reeha and would recommend the programme to anyone!

  • Priya

    Reeha’s programme has been life changing.

    I didn’t think i needed help with transformation. I have a successful small business, kids and a loving husband.

    This programme truly got to the heart of beliefs I’d been holding on to and had been holding me back but i didn’t even realise it.

    Reeha is truly brilliant at what she does. I’m so grateful for Reeha and this programme and I’d recommend everyone to do it!

Ready to book?

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and make sure that 2024 is the year for YOU, book your spot now.

  • 6 x live modules

    Each module is jam packed with rich coaching content that’s been proven to drive positive transformation in your life.

    These core modules are via zoom, highly interactive + you’ll get peer support from people like you. Each module is recorded if you can’t make it.

  • 1:1 private session

    During the programme, you get access to a 60 minute private 1:1 coaching session with Reeha. You can use this when you feel to get deeper support on your transformation journey.

  • Consciously You Booklet

    To work through the modules at your own pace with a rich support frameowrk available to you at any point in the journey.

  • Friday Slo Breathwork

    You have access to weekly Friday breathwork to help you connect to your inner self which is key to transformation happening.

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes reality.

A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true”.